Kerala LLM admit card 2016 : download now

The applicants who have applied for Kerala LLM 2016 entrance exam can download the admit card now from the candidate portal. CEE Kerala has made available admit card from 3rd February 2017 on official website.

The applicants have to login to the LLM 2016 candidate’s portal and need to provide the ‘application number’ and ‘key number’ obtained during online application submission. The applicants shall carry the downloaded admit card to the examination center and no admit card will be sent by post.

The Kerala LLM exam admit card contains roll number, candidate’s name and examination center details.  No candidate will be allowed to the test venue without admit card. It is advised to the candidates that, admit card shall be preserved till the centralized admission process of LLM 2016 concludes.

CEE Kerala has withheld the admit card of certain candidates due to discrepancies in the application form. The candidates whose admit cards have been withheld can view the defects by clicking on “memo” link in the candidate portal. CEE has provided the formats to rectify the defects in the submitted application and such candidates have to rectify the defects by submitting the memo along with relevant documents to the CEE office.

The candidates shall write “LL.M ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2016-DOCUMENTS FOR MEMO LEARANCE” on envelop and the document shall reach the CEE Kerala office on or before 5:00PM on 9th February 2017.

The LLM 2016 entrance exam was postponed to 12th February 2017 from earlier date 5th February 2017. CEE Kerala is conducting LLM entrance exam at Tiruvananthapuram test center only.

LLM 2016 exam will be conducted for 2 papers from 9:30AM to 1:00PM. Each paper will be conducted for duration of 90 minutes and half an hour gap will be there between paper 1 and paper 2. Exam is of objective type conducted in pen and paper mode.

Admission to the LLM courses for 2016-17 academic year will be done based on merit obtained in the entrance exam.

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