JoSAA 2016 Fifth Round Seat Allotment Result Announced
JoSAA has announced 5th round of allotment result for admissions to first year of undergraduate programs in IITs/ISM and NITs/IIITS/GFTIs for the year 2016-17. Candidates who have applied can check their allotment status on JoSAA 2016 website using JEE Main Roll number and Password.
Candidates who got fresh allotment in this round have to pay the “seat acceptance fee” and report to the stipulated reporting center. Candidates who have accepted a seat in IITs/ISM in previous round and got an allotment in IITs/ISM need not report to any reporting center.
If a candidate has been allotted a seat in ISM/IITs in previous round and upgraded seat to any of NITs/IIITS/GFTIs has to report again to the reporting center of NIT+ system. Similarly if a candidate allotted with a seat in NITs/IIITS/GFTIs in previous round, and upgraded to IITs/ISM also has to report again to the RC of IITs.
Candidates who wish to with draw from seat allotment process have to generate a withdrawal request letter along with bank account number and cancelled cheque JPG copy, and have to appear to the reporting center for other formalities.
Candidates who want to change float and slide options to participate in further rounds have to report to the RC along with the filled-in form for changing options.