CAT 2016 last minute instructions for test takers

Only 2 days left for the CAT 2016 exam, here are the few important instructions for the test takers.  IIM Bangalore has released these instructions to follow on the exam day and candidates are advised to go through once.

Things to know before writing the CAT 2016

  • Test will be conducted for 180 minutes and candidates have to answer on a computer screen.
  • Test paper consists of 3 sections and each section will be allotted with 60 minutes to answer.
  • Candidates can review the answers with in the section which are marked as “review”.
  • There is an option to view the section wise question paper at glance.
  • Test will have 3 sections, I. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), II. Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) and III. Quantitative Ability (QA) and administered in the same sequence, where candidates can move from one section to other only after completing the current one.
  • Only those answers will be validated which are saved.
  • Some questions in the test paper will be MCQ type and some are non MCQ type.
  • MCQ type questions will be answered by selecting the appropriate option available on the screen.
  • For non MCQ type questions candidates have to type the answer at space provided.
  • No electronic gadgets are allowed to the exam and only on screen calculator will be allowed to use for computation.
  • Candidates can use the rough sheets and pen for any rough work and need to return back at the end of the exam.

Other important instructions

  • CAT 2016 Admit cards are mandatorily carried to the test center which will be available for download till the exam starts.
  • As exam is administered in 2 sessions candidates are advised to report the test center well advance i.e. by 7.30AM for forenoon session and by 1:00PM for afternoon session.
  • Candidates who report the test centers after 8.45AM/ 2:15PM will not be permitted to take the exam.
  • Only CAT 2016 admit card and original photo id proof is allowed into the exam hall.
  • Only open footwear like chappals and sandals are allowed into the exam hall other footwear have to be left outside the exam hall.
  • Digital finger prints will be collected before the test and candidates whose digital finger prints cannot be captured are not permitted to attend the test.
  • Applicants who opted for scribe have to carry the affidavit and photo id proof of the scribe.
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