NMAT by GMAC 2017

Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) conducts the NMAT (Narsee Monjee Management Aptitude Test) test to determine the merit of the candidates who are willing to join MBA or other graduate management programs at NMIMS University and other NMAT score accepting business schools. More than 19 business schools other than NMIMS across India accept the NMAT scores during their admissions into management programs. Pearson is administering the NMAT by GMAC on behalf of GMAC and candidates willing to appear have to register online on http://www.nmat.org.in.  NMAT 2017 dates are out and candidates have to register for exam on or before 3rd October 2016. Exam will be conducted within 75 days test window where a candidate can attempt the test for a maximum 3 times.


Unlike any other test there is no specific eligibility criteria declared by GMAC, candidates willing to take test are advised to visit the score accepting institutes for institution specific admission criteria.

Test Pattern and Scores

NMAT by GMAC is a computer based test with multiple choice questions conducted for 360 marks. Exam will have 3 sections testing candidate’s quantitative, logical and language skills. All the questions will have 4 options with single correct answer. Negative marking is not adopted and scores will be announced in percentile. Candidates have to choose the order of answering the sections while starting the exam and have to answer accordingly. Each section will have individual timings where candidates have to answer and review the questions with in allotted time. Total 120 questions will be generated and candidates have to answer in 2hours. As exam is conducted for a period of 75 days and different test forms are delivered, scores will be equated to remove the difference in difficulty level. GMAC is providing one free test for practice and familiarization of CBT and candidates can avail the additional practice tests by paying Rs. 499/-. Section wise number of questions will be as mentioned bellow.


Number of Questions

Language Skills


Quantitative Skills


Logical Reasoning





NAMT by GMAC 2017

GMAC has announced the test schedule and exam will be conducted from 7th October to 20th December 2016. Applications have been accepting from 4th July 2016 and last date for registration is 3rd October 2016. Application fee for NAMT by GMAC 2017 is Rs 1700/- and GMAC is allowing candidates to register from 4th October to 12th October 2016 with a late fee of Rs 2000/-.

Candidates are allowed to appear the exam 3 times within test window and every time candidates have to pay a sum of Rs 1700/- as exam fee. Scheduling of “Retake of exam” is only allowed after appearing/no-show of the first test.  Candidates can also reschedule the exam with in test window of 75 days by paying Rs.1000/-.

Online Registration Process

Candidates have to register online at NMAT website providing valid email-id, name, mobile number, country and desired password. GMAC will provide a dashboard for filling the application and candidates have to upload the soft copy of photograph and photo-id to start with filling the application. Candidates have to provide information of personal, educational, professional and 2 photo-ids to complete the application form. While filling the data candidates shall ensure the DOB and name must exactly match the information on the Photo-ids provided.  Application process allow the candidates to choose the program to which he /she wish to apply and GAMAC will report the scores to 7 programs selected without any additional fee. Candidates will have to pay fee of sum Rs.200/- per each additional program to report the scores. Upon filling the application form system will navigate to payment section where candidates have to pay the test fee (included fee for reporting to additional programs) by online through available payment gateways. Candidates will receive the confirmation mail after payment realization and candidates have to store the mail for future purpose.

NMAT by GMAC 2017 Test Centers

GMAC is conducting NMAT 2017 at 32 test centers across 24 test cities with in India and detailed regional wise locations are as follow.




Chandigarh, Delhi, Gurgaon, Jaipur, Lucknow, Noida


Ahmedabad, Baroda, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune


Bengaluru, Chennai, Kochi, Hyderabad, Manipal


Bhillai, Bhopal, Indore


Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Patna


NMAT by GMAC 2017 Admit cards

Upon successful test fee payment and scheduling of exam, GMAC will make available of the admit card for download from provided dashboard. Admit card contains candidate’s registration details and photograph, candidates have to produce the same at the time of test along with confirmation email and 2 valid photo-ids.

NMAT by GMAC 2017 Test Results

GMAC will equate all the question forms and announce the test results within 4 – 5 weeks from the last test date. Final score card will be announced on 17th January 2017 and detailed section wise score card and percentile of scores will be accessible to candidates through dashboard. GMAC will report the scores electronically to the programs selected during registration process and NMAT scores are valid only for current admission year.

Important Dates NMAT by GMAC 2017





Monday, July 04,2016

Monday, October 03,2016


Monday, July 04,2016

Friday, October 14, 2016

Late Registration

Tuesday, October 04,2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Registration - Retake

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Monday, July 04, 2016

Saturday, December, 17, 2016

Exam Delivery

Friday, October 07, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Re-take Scheduling

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Final Announcement of Results


Tuesday, January 17, 2017