Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India entrance examination conducted to assess primarily the comprehensive capabilities of students in the fields of engineering/ technology/ architecture at graduate level and post graduate level in science stream.

GATE score reflects the imbibed knowledge and capability of students and helps them in procuring admission into centrally funded post graduate level courses and also helps in shaping up their career, as, a valid GATE score is taken into account as eligibility criteria by many public and private sector undertakings during the employment selection procedure.

GATE is prestigiously conducted and administered nationwide by Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) and seven renowned IITs of India on behalf of National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt of India. IIT Roorkee is the organizing institute for GATE 2017 and will be responsible for entire process. A valid GATE score is mandatory for seeking scholarship/assistance ship from MHRD while studying Master’s and Doctoral programs in the relevant disciplines in the institutes supported by different government authorities.

GATE 2017 Papers:

GATE 2017 is going to conduct test for 23 papers (disciplines) and the eligible candidates will have to select ONLY ONE paper out of the 23 available papers. Candidate has to choose a paper in which he/she is proficient enough in the undergraduate program. The candidate is also expected to appear in a paper appropriate to the discipline of qualifying degree. Candidates are advised to select the appropriate paper to get eligible for the Program/Institution wishing to seek admission. Corresponding paper codes are given for all the papers. Syllabus for every papers varies and available on the GATE official website.

Papers and the Paper Codes for GATE 2017

GATE Paper


GATE Paper


Aerospace Engineering


Instrumentation Engineering


Agricultural Engineering




Architecture and Planning


Mechanical Engineering




Mining Engineering


Civil Engineering


Metallurgical Engineering


Chemical Engineering


Petroleum Engineering


Computer Science and Information Technology






Production and Industrial Engineering


Electronics and Communication Engineering


Textile Engineering and Fiber Science


Electrical Engineering


Engineering Sciences


Ecology and Evolution


Life Sciences


Geology and Geophysics



XE and XL sections

Engineering Sciences (XE) and Life sciences (XL) papers are general in nature and comprises sections as listed below. Candidates appearing XE and XL papers have to select any 2 sections during the examination. Candidates have an option to view the questions before selection of sections and cannot switch to other sections once started. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (H) section is a new addition to XL paper from GATE 2017.

XE Paper sections

XL Paper Sections

Mathematics (Compulsory)


Chemistry (Compulsory)


Fluid Mechanics




Materials Science




Solid Mechanics








Polymer Science and Engineering


Food Technology


Food Technology


Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences



All papers shall contain questions of both general aptitude (language and analytical skills) and core subject. The number of questions in each test paper shall be 65 carrying maximum of 100 marks. GATE 2017 exam is computer based online test conducted for duration of 3 hours.

Test papers having AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT, PE, PI, TF and XE  as codes, General aptitude questions in these papers will comprise 10 questions carrying 15 marks, Engineering mathematics will carry 15% of total marks and reaming questions will be from core subjects.

Test papers having AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH and XL as codes, General aptitude questions in these papers will comprise 10 questions carrying 15 marks and remaining questions from core subjects will cover 85% marks.

GATE test paper consists of Both MCQ and NAT type questions, and MCQ as well as numerical answer type (NAT) questions will include questions carrying 1 and 2 marks in all papers and sections respectively. For MCQ type questions each question has 4 choices and the candidates are supposed to choose the appropriate answer. For NAT type questions answer is a real number and candidates should enter the numerical in the space provided.

Deduction of marks shall be as follows for every wrong answer:

For 1 mark MCQ:  1/3 of a mark will be deducted

For 2 marks MCQ: 2/3 of a mark will be deducted 



All the candidates aspiring to appear for GATE 2017should follow the terms and conditions of eligibility prescribed as below.

Qualifying degree

Qualifying Degree/Examination (Descriptive)

Description of Eligible Candidates

Year of qualification
cannot be later than

B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Pharm

Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/ Technology (4 years after 10+2 or 3 years after B.Sc./Diploma in Engineering/ Technology)

Currently in the final year or
already completed


B. Arch

Bachelor’s degree holders of Architecture (Five years course)

Currently in the final year or already completed


B.Sc (Research)/ B.S

Bachelor’s degree in Science (Post-Diploma/ 4 years after 10+2)

Currently in the 4th year or
already completed


M. Sc/ M.A/ MCA
or equivalent

Master’s degree in any branch of Science/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Applications or equivalent

Currently in the final year or
already completed


Integrated M.E/ M.Tech (Post-B.Sc)

Post B.Sc Integrated Master’s degree programs in Engineering/ Technology (Four year program)

Currently in the 2nd/3rd/4th year
or already completed


Integrated M.E/ M.Tech or Dual Degree (after Diploma or 10+2)

Integrated Master’s degree program or Dual Degree program in Engineering/ Technology (Five year program)

Currently in the 4th/5th year or
already completed


Integrated M.Sc/
Integrated B.S-M.S

Integrated M.Sc or Five year integrated B.S-M.S program

Currently in the final year or
already completed


Professional Society
Examinations (equivalent to B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Arch)

B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Arch equivalent examinations, of Professional Societies, recognized by MHRD/ UPSC/ AICTE (e.g., AMIE by Institution of Engineers- India, AMICE by the Institute of Civil Engineers-India)

Completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses


In case of candidates who have passed the qualifying exams of under graduation like Bachelor of Engineering /Technology/Pharmacy/Life Sciences in the year 2016 or earlier are eligible to appear by uploading online the required certificates/documents issued by the concerned institute or society.

In case of candidates completing the course in 2017 or completing one of the qualifying criteria in the year 2017 or later, then the aspiring candidates are supposed to submit a certificate issued by the Principal or a copy of marks card for Section ‘A’ of AMIE. Year of passing should not be later than 2017.

In case of candidates willing to appear qualifying exam in the year 2017 with backlog (arrears/failed subjects) in the qualifying degree should upload copy of any of the mark sheet of the final year or procure a declaration duly attested by the Principal and upload.


GATE 2017 is to hold on 4th, 5th and 11th & 12th of February 2017 in 2 sessions. Applications are invited from eligible candidates and application system (GOAPS) is available from 1st September 2016 to 4th October 2016. A new section Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (H) is introduced from GATE 2017 in XL paper and Gorakhpur is added as new test city. From 2017 onwards international candidates from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka and United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) can appear for GATE and admissions to these candidates will be handled separately by common admission portal and will be informed later.

Application Process

Candidates willing to appear GATE 2017 have to apply through GOAPS (GATE online application processing system) which is available from 1st September 2016 and all the candidates have to apply online only. Application process contains few steps as mentioned bellow.

Registration: Candidates have to register with GOAPS providing valid email-id, mobile number and a strong password. This password should be remembered throughout the entire process and upon successful registration GOAPS enrollment id will be mailed to the candidate’s email.

Filling-application: Candidates can login using enrollment id and password to enter the details regarding personal information, address, qualifying degree particulars, college address and GATE paper code(to which candidate want to appear), and need to upload  scanned copies of photograph, signature, thumb impression, degree certificate and all other necessary documents required to complete the application.

GOAPS allows the candidates to save the partially filled application and a preview of filled application is available for self validation. After completing the application satisfactorily and to proceed with final submission of application candidates have to click on Confirm and final submit button. It is advised to the candidates that carefully view the filled application before submission of GATE 2017 application as no further changes are allowed once final submission is done.

Application fee payment: Candidates who have done the final submission of application will be redirected for fee payment and candidates can remit the fee either online or by e-challan. Candidates who opt payment through e-challan have to remit the application fee at any SBI branch. An application fee of sum Rs 1500/- (Rs 750/- for female/SC/ST/PWD) has to be remitted and a unique fee payment number will be generated which must be saved by the candidates for further needs. Candidates who appear at the international test centers have to remit a sum of $50 against the application fee.

GATE 2017 Test Centers

GATE 2017 is conducted across India, and six other countries (UAE, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Singapore) for international candidates. Candidates appearing in India can choose maximum of 3 examination cities and candidates appearing in the other countries have only 1 choice as test city. Candidates can change the test city not later than 16th November 2016 through GOAPS.

GATE 2017 Admit Cards

Admit cards for GATE 2017 will be available for download from 5th January 2017 and candidates have to carry a color print out of admit card to the test center. Candidates have to carry a valid id proof (which is mentioned during application process) along with the admit card and failing that candidates will not permitted into the test center.

GATE 2017 Score Cards

Results of GATE 2017 will be announced on 27th March, 2016 at 5:00PM and candidates can check the same at GOAPS website. GATE 2017 score is valid for 3 years from the date of announcement and will be made available to institutions and government agencies. Candidates who qualified in the GATE 2017 can download the score card from the website till 26th May, 2017. GATE 2017 committee will decide the qualifying mark for each paper separately.

Important Dates and Event Calendar of GATE 2017

Application (GOAPS) window opens from

1st September 2016

Last Date for Submission of Online Application through Website

4th October 2016

Request for change of test center

16th November 2016

Admit card download

5th January 2017

Exam date

4th,5th,11th and 12th February 2017

Result announcement

27th March 2017